Legends S3E10

Cool Things:
  • I like that they bring up Astra from Constantine's past
  • Agent Sharpe is back! and is into Sara
  • Constantine recounts his past and Astra.
  • We now know why Kuasa is working with Darhk and Mallus
Top Moments:
  • We start with Constantine and an exorcism. Sara reveals the name of Mallus to Constantine and she insists on helping him with the exorcism. Kuasa reappears and vixen fights her.
  • Turns out the girl they are trying to save is Nora Darhk. Nate returns to help Amaya and freezes Kuasa with the cold gun. The exorcism ends with John, Sara, and Leo disappearing.
  • Sara, Leo, and John have been transported to 1969. Ray and Zari plan to take Nora out of the asylum. Leo tries to send a message but is caught and Sara is having visions of the dark side.
  • Amaya talks to Kuasa and learns about her future and why Kuasa has become who she is. Ray and Zari take Nora to Jitters. John is going to use Sara to channel Mallus and get them home.
  • Sara is transported into another dimension where she meets Nora and then casts the spell. When Zari touches Nora she screams and says that she is one of the six. Kuasa Leaves.
  • Damien Darhk shows up and tells his daughter to embrace Mallus and that she will be able to bring him back one day. She leaves with him and another lady to cultivate her powers.
  • John leaves but he warns Ray to keep the Anti-magic gun he has been working on around in case Sara goes haywire. Leo leaves as well and we find out that Rip has escaped.
  • There are six magical items out there that can Harm Mallus and will be the key to his demise. Maybe the time stones that we see Darhk use is the 6th? 
    • Spirit Totem - Amaya / Mari (Present Day)
    • Air - Zari
    • Water - Kuasa
    • Fire - Destroyed in Vixen Season 2
    • Earth - ??
    • ??? - ???
Next Episode: Time Loop!
