Black Lightning S1E08

Top moments:
  • LaLa/Resurection
  • Peter Gambi/ASA
  • ASA/GreenLight/Metahumans
  • Jennifer has powers
Things that happened:
  • Jefferson is training his daughter and making sure that she is in control and doesnt hurt innocent people and they are going to try and clear black lightning's name.
  • LaLa is back. Peter Gambi meets with a fellow member of the ASA and it seems like their goal is to study meta's and replicate it. They are also responsible for greenlight hitting the streets.
  • Jennifer is doing an internship with her mom and help her clean. Lynn discovers that she is missing documents. Anissa and Jefferson breaks into the morgue to examine the bodies.
  • The bodies are showing\ burn patterns and not the pattern of someone who was hit with a black lightning bolt. Gambi deduces that the weapon is nuclear and is going to use that to track it.
  • Lynn discovers that office she had her sample sent to was also broken into and he sample might have been taken. This is most likely the doing ot the ASA and making sure info not getting out.
  • Jennifer was hanging posters with Kesha when her friend falls and he powers manifest and she electrocutes her phone. LaLa  is having hallucinations of Lawanda talking to him.
  • Gambi is insistent that he go and investigate the location they track the radiation too. Lynn discovers that the sample from Jefferson's fathers stuff is a vaccination for greenlight.
  • Anissa and Jefferson locate the weapons and the one who used them. Black Lightning calls in the info to Director Henderson so that the police can investigate the body and the weapon.
  • Jennifer is trying to replicate her powers and electrocutes her phone again. Lynn goes to Gambi with the information she uncovered and he refuses to talk and she puts two and two together.
  • A dirty cop shows up to clean up the evidence and accidentally set the weapon off and creates a crater in the middle of the woods destroying the evidence and himself. Anissa Saves her dad.
  • Lynn tells Jefferson to go talk to Gambi. Lala is still haunted by Lawanda. Jefferson confront Gambi and he spills all of his secrets including his involvement with the ASA.
  • The Vaccine created metahumans and gambi was the one to leak the information to Jefferson's father and lead to his investigation and subsequent murder. Jennifer tells her sister.
