Black Lightning S1E09

Top moments:
  • Jennifer being told her sister and father have powers and coming to terms that they were trying to protect her
  • Anissa gets her suit!!
  • investigation into green light and getting it off the streets + dirty cops
  • Gambi gathering information and now knowing the location of all the kids that "died" 30 years ago that had powers. + weapons
Things that happened:
  • Jefferson and Henderson have a talk and Henderson is going to so some investigating himself since the department is dirty. Anissa tells Jennifer about her powers and loops her in.
  • Stuff backfires and now Jennifer is mad that her parents for keeping a secret from her. Black Lightning and Thunder are going to go after green light and track down the lead they have.
  • Jefferson and Anissa find a company name. Gambi is working to track down who made the weapons used to kill lady eve. He Poisons someone in order to get him to give him a name.
  • Jefferson and Anissa go track down more court record to get info on this company. Jennifer has been online and turns out that Thunder has a fan page online. Gambi tracks down Caleb.
  • Henderson is able to tracks down some dirty cops acquiring weapons strong enough to kill black lightning. With the address gambit find what i think are cryo tubes with the kids.
  • Anissa meets with Gambi and he tells her about his discovery in the lab and gives her the suit. Jefferson and Anissa, in her new suit, head to take out the lab making green light 
  • Jennifer and her mom have a talk about everything that is running through her head. Jefferson and Anissa are trying to follow the greenlight guy but Henderson calls about the weapons.
  • Black Lightning and Thunder hit the green light factory. Turns out the cops with the weapons were heading to the factory. Henderson comes and arrests the doctor making the drug.
  • One of the guys in gear was able to use the special weapons to hit Jefferson's suit and hurt him. Jefferson prevails and sets the drugs on fire. The whole factory is blown up at the end.
  • Jefferson talks with Jennifer and promises to tell the truth from here on out. They make up and watch the princess and the frog.
