Black Lightning S1E10

Top moments:
  • LaLa
  • BL and Anissa go to investigate the warehouse that gambi found and come up empty These kids are alive and they are still kidnapping kids who show signs of powers
  • Jennifer  - Still struggling with her powers - Her cells generate energy
  • Gambi getting kidnapped and the ASA discovering that Jefferson is BL and finding out that the vice principal is the new spotter.
Things that happened:
  • Two-bit see a girl given green light and we see her manifest some powers and immediately get taken by some guys in a white van. Anissa discovers the bodies of the kids are alive.
  • Anissa tells her dad about the warehouse. LaLa is hallucinating his nephew Will and some of his goons are questioning him and his mental states and he rips one guys ear off and kills him.
  • A Tattoo of will shows up on LaLas chest joining the one of Lawanda. Black Lightning and Anissa return to the warehouse to find it has been cleaned out and get ambushed. 
  • Jefferson is still adamant on not trusting Gambi. Two-Bit visits Jefferson to tell him about the girl that was kidnapped. LaLa is trying to sell other drugs on the street given GL's popularity.
  • One of the girls friends is looking for her and Gambi finds out about it. Anissa and Jennifer have a talk about powers and they have differing opinions on having powers and being a hero.
  • Jefferson fills Lynn in and she insists he go see Gambi. Meanwhile Gambi is visited by his old ASA people and taken. Jennifer and her dad talk and he tells her she needs to learn to control.
  • Black Lightning visits two-bits to ask if he has heard anything about the pods being moved and he tells BL that nothing has moved out of Freeland. BL still has a bounty on his head.
  • Gambi is being tortured and the ASA has figured that gambit knows how to contact Black Lightning because of his break in and the subsequent break in of black lightning.
  • Jefferson tries to talk to Malik and steer him away from the drugs. Gambi continues to be tortured and they are now going to go after "Gambi's surrogate son" Jefferson to get to Gambi.
  • Lynn is doing a CAT scan of Jennifer and discover that Jennifers cells create pure energy unlike her father who pulls electricity from his surroundings. Malik shows up to Garfield high.
  • Jefferson is taken by ASA agents in the middle of mentoring Malik. Jefferson is able to make the lights go out and the agents take care of themselves and Jefferson is able to save Gambi.
  • LaLa is making his men move these drugs. Jefferson moves his family to his childhood home. The new spotter for the ASA is the vice principal and the ASA now knows Jefferson is BL.
