Legends S3E13

What Happens:
  • Totems are now invulnerable.
  • Turn out the first totem bearers are the ones who locked Mallus away
  • Wally's speed is used to save ray in the end.
  • Director Bennett is killed by Grodd and Agent Sharpe is promoted.
  • Nora and Darhk reconcile with each other.
Top Moments:
  • Ray has been captured and Nora is trying to get the spirit totem to work for her. Rip and Wally show up on the ship. Darhk convinces ray to help him fix the fire totem. Ray takes advantage.
  • Ray and Nora go back in time to prevent a younger version of darhk from killing a German scientist that created cold fusion. Wally is going to help Amaya and Zari search for the totem.
  • Ray and Nora get stuck and have to forge documents to get the scientist across the boarder. Current Darhk saves them. Nora and Darhk argue. Young Darhk captures Nora for ransom.
  • Amaya and Zari make it to the plane. Nora is able to access the power of the totem. Ray escapes using voice activation and creates a time anachronism to alert his team. 
  • Ray has the formula for cold fusion and the fire totem that wally swiped. Wally officially joins the legends. There is a secret with agent Sharpe and Nora undergoes a sort of transformation.
  • I'm thinking agent sharpe might be related to rip in some way or Sara for that matter 
  • I like the idea that the messing with time is causing Mallus to be released and I wonder if he is related to the lore of Zambesi as well.
Next Episode: Stopping time from breaking!

Check out my theory video regarding the totems: Truetalk Talks: Legends of Tomorrow Theory
