Legends S3E14

What Happens:
  • Legends head to 1954 to save Memphis 
  • Micks rat dies and is raised back as a ghost.
  • Ray has made encrypted lock boxes for the totems 
  • Amaya shows Ray music fro Zambesi.
Top Moments:
  • Elvis is sold a cursed guitar. Zari is showing Wally around and a number of things have changed. It turns out that Elvis's cursed guitar is the 6th totem that the team is looking for.
  • The team gets his guitar and it turns out that the guitar is what makes elvis good at signing and playing. The guitar is the death totem and Sara and Ray discover Elvis's twin brother in it.
  • They cannot afford the death totem getting into the wrong hands. Elvis is able to record his song but his father interrupts and takes the record. Nate, Amaya, and Elvis are arrested.
  • Zari and Wally go to get Elvis's song on the radio. Wally has a great speech and is able to get the record and gets it played on the radio. His song raises the ghosts of the dead.
  • Elvis is able to lead the ghosts back to rest including his brother. Nate is able to get to totem piece off his guitar and still steer Elvis in the right direction. 
  • At the end of the episode we see that the lock box is glowing so maybe there is something that happens when the totem isent attached with someone or to close to each other.
  • Amaya needs to get her totem back and I think Sara is going to end up bearing the death totem 
Next Episode: Death Totem Sara?

Check out my theory video regarding the totems: Truetalk Talks: Legends of Tomorrow Theory
