Arrow S6E17

Cool Thing
  • Diaz and Anatoly kill an officer.
  • Black Siren is going to be going through a crash course in law school in order to impersonate.
  • Curtis's new boyfriend is not a fan of vigilantes just like his ex Paul
  • Curtis is revealed to his new cop boyfriend and in the end he seems ok with it.
  • Lyla offers Diggle a job at ARGUS as his way of protecting the city
Top Moments
  • Anatoly has been captured and tips off Oliver that Diaz has many people including the police chief. Oliver tells Diggle that he wants to keep his suit. Diaz and Anatoly kill an officer.
  • Diaz is pushing Vertigo to fund his operation. Dinah is going to keep officers safe. Oliver calls in the DA and the Chief of police into his office and find out that Diaz is threatening them.
  • Black Siren seems to be playing both sides. Green Arrow and Diggle go after one of Diaz;s suppliers and he ends up dead. Oliver and Diggle fight over the actions of the mission.
  • Diaz visits Black Siren to remind her that she is black siren and laurel is a cover. Diggle Visits Lyla to talk about his quarrels with Oliver. Diggle is upset about the way Oliver leads.
  • Diggle and Oliver exchange words and end up physically fighting before Felicity breaks it up. The police safe house gets hit and Curtis gets shot. Oliver and Diggle hit the Vertigo location.
  • Dinah and Curtis save the police and Diggle and Oliver blow up the vertigo. Diggle effectively resigns from the team leaving Oliver by himself. Dinah and the rest of the clean cops are fired.
  • Now that Oliver is by himself it will come to light that Diaz wanted team arrow to be broken to make it easier for him to infiltrate the city and get to Oliver 
  • I think everyone will be back to working together by the end of the season.
Next Episode: Solo Olover? 
