Arrow S6E20

Cool Thing
  • ARGUS has intel on a weapons supplier and the quadrant is involved
  • Oliver goes to Russia to pay his debt which allows Anatoly to go back and not be in exile.
  • Diaz wants Quentin to sign an executive order.
  • Diggle and Rene have a great scene about being fathers and not wanting to die in the field.
  • Turns out Oliver wanted to get captured
  • Rene is still worried and it turns out that Rene's daughter knows about his vigilante ways.
Top Moments
  • Arrow travels to Russia. Rene is out of the hospital. Diggle is now in charge of his own ARGUS team going after Diaz. Diaz wants to talk with Quentin and set ground rules.
  • Oliver locates Anatoly and asks him to help him bring down Diaz and is betrayed. New team arrow is back to work. Diaz meets Quentin and it is revealed that laurel is working with Diaz.
  • New team arrow gets the location and it turns out the scorpions are moving weapons. Argus is after the same thing and Diggle shows up and saves new team arrow. They share information.
  • With Quentin's information they put together that Diaz is part of the quadrant and they stake out the building Diaz wants. New team arrow is going to hit the building and Rene sits out
  • Quentin signs the papers and he believes that laurel is scared. They vow to protect each other. New team arrow hits the building and tags all of the trucks. Anatoly turns Oliver over to Diaz.
  • Diaz and Oliver have a fist fight on who gets to stay in Star City. Oliver loses but only because Diaz fought dirty. Diaz is moving up Oliver's trial and his fate is up to the justice system.
  • I think the quadrant will be a bigger thing that Oliver will need to deal with in later seasons.
  • It was nice to see Diggle and new team arrow work together and again I think all of team arrow will be back together by the end of the season once Oliver realizes he needs his team.
Next Episode: Trial of Oliver Queen!
