Flash S4E19

Things that happened:
  • Citizen cold talks to Barry about his method of grieving for ralph
  • Citizen cold and Ray are going to get married 
  • Killer frost might still be part of Caitlin.
  • Cisco reminds wells that he is more then his mind.
  • Fallout is right where DeVoe wants him
Top Moments:
  • Gideon tells Wells that his ability to learn is declining. Barry and Iris go to counseling to talk about ralphs death. Wells admits his addiction and Cisco suggests building him a thinking cap. 
  • The team is worried about DeVoe going for fallout. They go grab Citizen cold to help transport fallout and Siren X also comes through the breach. Wells builds a new thinking cap. 
  • DeVoe is stumped by team Flash's actions. Team flash gets fallout and is transporting him to an ARGUS facility. They get attacked by DeVoe and Siren X takes fallout, and colds gun.
  • Joe and Caitlin have been captured and harry breaks the thinking cap and tells cisco what has happened to him. DeVoe is upset that he got bested by Siren X. Citizen cold talks to Barry. 
  • Siren X is going to have fallout detonate in CCPD and she is almost successful. Flash saves the day by knocking her out allowing Citizen cold and caitlin to cool fallout down before disaster. 
  • Barry blames himself for Ralphs death and needs deal with his grief. Cisco gives Cold an interdimensional extrapolator like he gave to supergirl so that he is able to visit.
  • I think Wells brain issue will be a thing that they work on by the end of the season
  • Killer frost will be back without having to get her powers restored by Devoe (melting pot)
  • I think ralph will be back
Next Episode: The mechanic betraying Devoe?
