Supergirl S3E14

Things that happened:
  • J'onns father seems to be wanting to spend time with him
  • The legion is not here on accident 
Top Moments:
  • The episode Starts of with Karaoke. Winn finds out that his father died in jail. They have a funeral and Winn's mother shows up before the casket blows up. Mon-el talks with Kara.
  • Winn's mother reconnects with his mother and we get backstory. All of a sudden robot monkey attack the DEO. James tries to convince Winn to talk to his mom. J'onns dad is losing memory.
  • Winn is learning more and more about his dad and why his mom left. His mom gets caught by the new toymaker who was a janitor at the jail and his apprentice tasked to carry on his wishes.
  • Winn's mom has been kidnaped and the team goes to look for her. The team has to fight off robots and toys but they are able to save his mother. Mon-el has some tricks up his sleeve.
  • Winn seems to want to build a relationship with his mother. Mon-el is still trying to figure out what to do after the big Secret Imra kept from him. J'onns dad confesses his secret.
  • The third world killer is going to evolve into blight in a thousand years and this is why the legion is here.
  • The team is going to find out that Lena has Samantha and is trying to help her 
Next Episode: Reign is awoken!
