Supergirl S3E16

Things that happened:
  • Brainy has an image inducer to make him look more human 
  • Imra is adamant that she wants to kill Pestilence in order to prevent the blight in the future.
Top Moments:
  • Pestilence seems to be here and an outbreak has occurred in the city hall. Lena is still trying to help Sam. Imra puts up a force field and scares people. The legion is working on a cure.
  • Winn has been infected and braniac 5 has created a cure that they are using on Winn and the rest of National City. Imra reminds Kara that pestilence lives to becomes blight.
  • Sam is transferred to a realm where she talks to reign and reign tries to get her to surrender. The cure is not working and they must get Pestilences DNA to modify it. Alex is infected.
  • James talks with Winn and then calls Lena to tell her that people are sick. Sam begs Lena to ask for help from others. after doing some digging they find out that Dr. Grace is pestilence.
  • They stop grace from hurting insurance people and Kara is unsuccessful in talking Grace down. After a fight Julia shows up and takes Grace with her. Kara is infected.They have the DNA.
  • Brainy is able to alter the cure and save people. Imra and Kara talk and find out that Imra's sister dies in the blight. The world killers are head to L Corp and they pick up Reign.
  • Now the real stuff is in play as all three world killers are together and who knows what they can do when their powers are combined.
Next Episode: Solar Eclipse!
