Arrow S6E22

Cool Thing
  • Oliver is warned if a coming attack by Anatoly
  • Diaz stole a tech and the team needs to know whats on it
  • Oliver and Felicity call William to check in and tell him they are okay.
Top Moments
  • All of Team arrow are out living their lives and they all get attacked and in their homes, offices, hospital, or on the street. The bunker is compromised and the team comes together.
  • The team is going to get back together. Oliver meets with Anatoly to get intel. The quadrant is not happy with Diaz's messy moves. Anatoly gets Diaz to move positions to open opportunity.
  • Curtis is hurt and the hit is unsuccessful and they retreat before Diaz's reinforcements arrive. Diaz stole a drive with information on it. Anatoly is almost found out by Diaz but he spins it.
  • Lyla is going to infiltrate the SCPD to use a sniffer to get information off the tech he stole. Lyla is caught and a fight ensues. The tech seems to have information on Diaz's people.
  • Diaz gets info on felicity's decryption and kills one of the Quadrant. Diggle talks with Arrow and the New team arrow bunker gets attacked. Oliver and felicity stay for the encryption.
  • Oliver and Diaz fight before the bunker blows. Diaz made it out and the decryption was not complete. Diaz kills another one of the quadrant members. Oliver enlists the help of the FBI.
  • Everything leads to next week Diaz is going to use everything he's got against the people Oliver loves and the city with everything he controls and the quadrants resources.
Next Episode: Star City in trouble?
