Supergirl S3E18

Things that happened:
  • Apparently Winn collects dirt and Brainy gave him some dirt from the future
  • Brainy has bugged the DEO and calculates the likelihood of supergirl beating reign.
  • Ruby sees through alex's lies about her mom being okay
  • Alex and Ruby have a moment
Top Moments:
  • Lena and James get attacked as reign is looking for ruby. The legion members in the pods have blight and they are to return to the future. Lena has Ruby stashed in a safe house of the grid.
  • J'onnand and Kara visit Sam's Mom to protect her and set a trap. Alex goes to visit Ruby in Lex's mansion. As expected Reign shows up and she has the powers of the other world killers.
  • J'onn and Kara fail to defeat reign and Sam's mom tries to talk her down. She passes on due to her injuries. James tries to convince Lena to tell Kara that she knows how to make kryptonite.
  • J'onn and Kara seek the advice of his father and how he appealed to the white Martians. Imra insists that Mon-El return to earth to help Kara. Lena lets Kara know about the kryptonite. 
  • Ruby uses Alex's phone to call her mom. Reign attacks the mansion and Kara and Mon-El show up. Ruby finds out her mom is reign. Kara appeals to Reigns morals and subdue her.
  • Sam is now with Lena and she is going to try and find a cure. J'onns fathers condition seems to be getting worse. Lena and Kara meet in an elevator and Lena is not happy with supergirl.
  • The Lena and Kara relationship is going to be tested 
  • I think Lena is going to find out Kara's secret before the end of the season.
Next Episode: Guardian episode?
