Supergirl S3E21

Things that happened:
  • Ruby is reunited with her mother and Alex is no longer her guardian.
  • Mon-El gives Kara his Legion flight ring in order to help 
  • Lena and James discuss the guns and they disagree but agree to listen to each others sides.
  • Mon-El confesses that he still has feelings for Kara
Top Moments:
  • Mon-El and Supergirl keep Reign busy while Lena uses the rock to make a cure and we see Sam go back to normal. Supergirl asks Lena if she can make more of the rock for Argo city.
  • Supergirl has a going away party and she and Mon-El return to Argo. Kara meets a family friend. Guardian discovers a bank robber with DEO weapons. J'onns father is deteriorating.
  • While on Argo a construction site fails causing a pillar to fall in the market. J'onn and James visit the manufacture of the DEO's guns. Kara sees the hooded figure again confronts her.
  • The DEO is trying to track down the gunman without a registry. They identify the gunman and his target. J'onn is able to talk the gunman down. Kara and Mon-El talk about her uneasiness.
  • While in a green room Kara and Mon-El are attacked by the hooded lady again but she is caught and she reveals the sisters of the night. J'onn decides to phase out lethal weapons.
  • Lena has brought on Eve Tessmocker to help with her project. J'onn agrees to start the reach with his father. Alex looks up adoption options. The sisters of the night go to earth 

  • Supergirl and Mon-El are going to need to find a way to get back to earth to stop the sisters of the night and reign.
  • undoubtedly I think Reign will be reborn and return. and supergirl will stay on earth or Argo city will have to make a sacrifice to help save earth.
Next Episode: Reign 2.0?
