Supergirl S3E22

Things that happened:
  • Sam is feeling the effects of the sisters calling for reign.
  • They search the council members house and its a trap.
  • J'onn is taking the memories of his father and the history of Mars
  • Kara's mom comes to earth when they go through the portal.
  • While protecting the blood of the other world killers an agent is killed by the dark kryptonians.
  • The dark kryptonians kill corville
Top Moments:
  • The sisters of the night summon reign with the help of Corville. Kara and Mon-El need to contact Earth warn them. Alex says goodbye to M'yrnn before performing the reach. 
  • Sam goes to Lena an Alex and they get the idea to use the yellow sun to supercharge her. Winn invents a personal shield for the DEO. The sisters of the night perform the ceremony.
  • The ceremony is incomplete. The sun lamps are not working on Sam. Kara is able to us the cash crystals to talk to the DEO. Winn and Mon-El fix the portal her father was developing.
  • The dark kryptonians Attack the DEO looking for the blood of purity and pestilence. Kara uses the hologram to distract one of the dark kryptonians and get her to turn the portal. 
  • Alex uses kryptonite to slow the dark kryptonians down. Kara gets through the portal and destroys the blood. Tessmocker is still working with Lena and she has a breakthrough.
  • Lena deduces that as Sam gets weaker Reign gets stronger. Reign is born. Winn is still dealing with the agents death. They put forth the things needed to terraform earth. The Martians help.
  • Reign will  be stopped and the dark sisters punished
  • Kara's mom sticks around ?
Next Episode: Saving the earth!
