Supergirl S3E23 - Finale

Things that happened:
  • Superman is mentioned as saving Madagascar 
  • James reveals himself to a woman and saves her child. 
  • Mon-El and Imra talk. Brainy cant return to the future or else be wiped out by braniac.
  • Kara's Mother offers advice on weather or not to kill reign.
  • Sam wakes up from her slumber with powers.
  • Mon-El gives Kara a legion flight Ring
Top Moments:
  • All hands on deck to protect people as natural disasters happen all over earth. The legion has returned. M'yrnn gives J'onn one final memory and sacrifices himself to stop the destruction.
  • Sam sees her mother in the other realm and drinks from a fountain. Brainy reveals that the changes to the future allowed braniac to live and that the future needs Mon-El and Winn.
  • Winn and James talk about his go to the future and James taking his mask off. Thomas Coville trips J'onns ship and alerts the DEO to the location. Supergirl doesnt want to kill Reign.
  • All of team supergirl ascends on the location. Sam shows up and gets a stab at reign. Supergirl pushes reign into the pit and she dies but not before killing Kara's Mother and Mon-El.
  • Supergirl uses Mon-El's ring to fly and go back in time. Sam and Kara trap Reign in the other realm. Mon-EL and Kasa'r Mom are saved. Mon-El is going to join the legion again.
  • Sam is all better and Winn decides to join the legion to help protect the future. Alex wants to leave the DEO to start a family but J'onn promotes her to director and less field work.
  • J'onn is going to live among the people. Kara's mom is going to return to Argo with more power source and the witches who are going to stand trial. James is revealed as Guardian.
  • More Legion? Braniac 5? Alex adopting? Evil Lena? did Lena clone supergirl?
