Crisis On Infinite Earths - The Age of Heroes

Part 1
  • An anti-matter wave is making its way across the universe and destroying universes in its wake (list below) and it is heading towards Argo City and Earth-38.
  • Clark, Lois, and Kara's mom are able to put baby Jon in a pod heading for earth before Argo city is hit by the wave which is very fitting.
  • Lyla, the Harbinger, gathers all of the heroes, including Clark and Lois before they were Destroyed with Argo city, on Earth-38 to give them information on what is going on.
  • A Quantum tower suddenly appears that will protect the earth from the anti-matter wave but it has to be protected from the anti-monitors army.
  • Jon's pod is on Earth-16 in 2046 in Star City and Sara, Brainy and Lois go retrieve him but not before encountering that earths Oliver queen and find out Sara of that earth died on the gambit.
  • The legends and the waverider can travel through time and universes and confirms that that season one episode is on Earth-16.
  • Earth-38 is being evacuated and Lena is enlisted to build a transmatter portal so that ships carrying people can travel to Earth-1.
  • Some tender moments happen including Kara and Kal-El having a heart to heart about being positive and Oliver passing down a suit and the green arrow mantle to Mia. 
  • Kara and Kal-El use their heat vision to power the tower up again in time for Lena to get the portal working. The Monitor shows up and starts transporting the heroes to Earth-1.
  • Barry tells Oliver his prophecy and his fate to die in crisis and turns out Oliver's deal was for last crossover. Pariah reveals that he was the one to free the anti-Monitor.
  • Oliver stops the monitor from transporting him with the others and Oliver sacrifices himself and dies saving 3 billion lives from Earth-38 who are all now on Earth-1.
Part 2
  • The team is reeling from Oliver's Death. The team needs a waverider and Lyla goes to Earth-74 and enlist Earth-74 Mick and his waverider. Leonard's voice in in the place of Gideon.
  • The Monitor reveals that there are 7 Heroes or Paragons across the multiverse that they need to find. He reveals Sara and Kara are paragons and the descriptions of two more.
  • Lex Luthor takes the book of destiny and is going to kill all supermen. He succeeds at killing Earth-75 superman.
  • Kate and Kara travel to Earth -99 to meet Bruce Wayne. They find that he has metal armor to help him walk and that Earth-99 Kate died and that this Bruce kills, including Superman.
  • Barry and Mia are planning on finding a Lazarus pit to bring Oliver back and enlist the help of Constantine to find an earth that still has a working one.
  • Lois, Iris, and Kal-El travel to Earth-167 and warn Clark Kent before Lex shows up. Clark on this earth gave up his powers to be with his family and Lex leaves him be.
  • Iris, Clark, and Lois track down Clark Kent of Earth-96 whose Daily Planet got gassed by the joker. Lex Luthor shows up and makes Earth-96 Clark fight Earth-38 Clark. 
  • Barry, Mia, Sara, and Constantine locate a Lazarus Pit on Earth-18 in a mine North Dakota which is owned by Jonah Hex who shows up and Sara gives him a scar.
  • Oliver jumps out of the pit with his blood thirst and Sara tranquilizes him. Constantine tried to get Olivers Soul back and it doesnt work and blames the anti-matter
  • Kara confronts Bruce Wayne about him killing Superman and he attacks them. Bruce ends up getting electrocuted. Kate kept the Kryptonite from Bruces suit
  • Ray is built a Paragon Detector and it reveals that Kate is the paragon of courage and Earth-176 superman is the paragon of truth.
Part 3
  • Rays Paragon detector is fixed and identifies the remaining paragons, Barry (Love), J'onn (Honor), and Ryan Choi (Humanity). Diggle joins and learns of olivers death and revival.
  • Cisco, who the monitor gave back his powers, tracks the source of the wave to Earth-1 and it turns out to be the location of Nash's dig site and he shows up to bear witness of tragedy.
  • Constantine, Diggle, and Mia travel to visit Lucifer on Earth-666 to get a card so that they can get access to purgatory and retrieve his soul. His Purgatory looks like Lian Yu.
  • Killer frost, Vibe, Barry, and Pariah enter the chamber that houses the source of the anti-matter wave to find Earth-90 flash is trapped, via a force field, on a treadmill powering the wave.
  • Vibe uses his powers to free earth-90 Flash but then the machine goes haywire. Black Lightning appears in the chamber and tries to help by containing the energy from the machine.
  • Iris, Ray, and Ralph meet up with Ryan Choi to convince him to come help. Iris talks with Ryan and finally convinces him to come back with them to the waverider.
  • Barry, Killer frost, Cisco  come up with a plan to reverse the wave and destroy the anti-matter machine. Earth-90 flash borrows Barrys speed and gets back on the treadmill before it blows.
  • Jim Corrigan shows up in Lian Yu and Oliver is convinced to stay while Constantine, Mia, and diggle leave. Oliver is set to take on the mantle of spectre.
  • Kara and Kate consult Lex about the book of destiny bringing earths back. Kate stops Kara from using the book and Kate reveals that she has kryptonite and Kara lets Kate keep it.
  • Lyla returns under the anti-Monitors control and fights the Monitor. She wins and absorbs his power. Earth 1 is destroyed and just the waverider is left.
  • Before the waverider is destroyed Pariah transports the 7 paragons to the vanishing point, which is beyond time and space, and turns out lex was posing as Kal-El.

Earths gone but not forgotten
Earth 89 0 Batman 89
Earth 9 - Titans (DCU)
Earth X
Earth 66 - Batman 66
Argo City (Earth 38)
Earth-203 - Birds of Prey 
All Other Earths

The Team
*Oliver (Green Arrow)
~Barry (Flash)
*Kate (Batwoman)
~Ray (Atom)
~Sara (White Canary)
*Clark (Superman)
*Kara (Supergirl)
*J'onn (Martian manhunter)
Lex Luthor
Elongated man
Killer Frost
Black Lightning 

Hope ------ Kara Zor-El
Destiny --- Sara Lance
Truth ------ Kal-El (Earth-96) (more los then any mortal man
Courage --- Kate Kane (Bat of the future)
Honor ----- J'onn Jones 
Love ------- Barry Allen
Humanity - Ryan Choi
