Stargirl Season 1 Episode 3

Main Points
  • Icicle Backstory
  • Barbara, Icicle, and the American Dream
  • JSA headquarters

What Happened?
  • The episode starts 8 years ago where we see Icicle's wife die. Icicle promises to make the country better for their son. His son potentially sees him using his icicle powers.
  • The episode continues wwith Courtney wanting to get going to finding the rest of the injustice society and pat being cautious and wanting to find out some information first.
  • We see Brainwave's son maybe start to use his powers to move a cup in the hospital and we see that Icicle comes to the hospital to check on brainwave. Icicle calls the wizard but he ignores his call. 
  • Courtney arrives to school with the broken sign. The janitor looks at her. Everyone is preparing for the talent show and the Wizard's son tries a card trick on Courtney. Courtney shares a look with icicles son. potential love interest?
  • Pat checks on brainwave and asks some questions and realizes he not alone. Brainwave makes a visit to the wizard. Turns out the wizard is the one that cleaned up after brainwaves mess. Icicle is back in charge. 
  • Pat is working when he gets a call that Mike got in trouble in school. Mike is going to be a paper boy. At American dream icicle is back and they plan on revitalizing blue valley and Barbara suggest they bring back a theater space.
  • Someone painted over "slut" on Yolonda's locker. Courtney figures out that Cameron painted Yolonda's locker with flowers. Barbara gets an invite to join a task force on the theater from icicle but she has family dinner. 
  • Courtney walks home and finds a frozen star in the town park. She tells pat. They head out to the park and find icicle. Icicle ices STRIPE while Courtney fights him.
  • STRIPES fist knocks icicle onto a bridge and then he endangers a bus of kids returning from the talent show. STRIPE saves the buss and the staff shines a light so the students dont see STRIPE.
  • Another car is coming down the bridge and Icicle kills Joey (the wizards son). The Wizard and his wife get word of their sons death and wizard grabs his wand  and goes to confront icicle.
  • Courtney and Pat have a moment to grieve Joey and pat takes Courtney to the JSA headquarters. Courtney suggest that they get help and get new people to take on the mantle of these heroes. 
  • Icicle kills wizard when he comes to visit. The wizard and his son have a funeral leaving wizards wife. Barbara attends the theater project meeting and turns out Cameron is icicles son.
  • Courtney goes to the JSA headquarters and steals all the items.
