Stargirl Season 1 Episode 5

Main Points
  • Rick Tyler Backstory
  • Beth Becoming Dr. Midnite
  • Rick becoming Hourman
What happened?
  • The episode starts with a flashback to nine years ago in blue valley and we see Rex Tyler box up all of his ISA files to be sent to Pat. Rex and his wife are in a rush and they are leaving Rick with his uncle. Rex's favorite car is a  Yellow '66 Mustang.
  • They falsified papers so the ISA wouldn't know rick was their son. Rex and his wife say goodbye to Rick and while leaving they get attacked and killed by Solomon Grundy.
  • In present day we see Rick fixing up a '66 Mustang. The uncle is not a pleasant person and he sold a car part Rick needed. We see rick punch the tree his parents crashed into and hurt his knuckles
  • Its Halloween and Courtney's mom almost sees her costume in her closet. Courtney takes the bag of JSA stuff to school to keep an eye on it but she forgets Dr. Midnite's goggles.
  • Pat tells Courtney about William Zarrick and how he believes he is the wizard and that he suspects the ISA took the family out and that there are more in Blue Valley. Courtney tells Pat about the fiddler and that she's the principal. 
  • Courtney and Yolonda try to fit the JSA items in her locker. Beth is on their trail. Beth runs into the janitor and he says "careful there are dragons in the water."Mr Sharpe has a plan for a satellite. 
  • Pats car breaks down and Rick Tyler walks by and tells him its the alternator. Rick tells him he's working on a Yellow '66 mustang. Pat starts to put two and two together while Courtney sees Hourmans hourglass start glowing in her bag.
  • Courtney tries to catch up to Rick and tries to show him the glowing hourglass but its not glowing anymore. Beth shows up at Courtney's house and doesn't stop talking. Beth follows the dog who is chewing on Dr. Midnites goggles. She goes into Courtney's room.
  • Beth puts the goggles on and they start talking to her and knows all kinds of information about her. The googles have an AI using the voice of Charles Mcnider. Courtney comes home to find Beth in her room wearing the goggles.
  • Beth tells Courtney she knows about her alter ego and saw her and Yolonda at the hospital. Courtney tells her to keep all of this a secret. The googles recognize the fertilizer on Courtney's shoes and the goggles tell them that Ricks real name sis Rick Tyler. AKA Hourmans son.
  • Pat drives out to Ricks place to drop off a carburetor for the mustang and is greeted by his uncle. Then it cuts to Rick trying to sell kegs of alcohol to some guys for $300.
  • Beth uses the goggles to track Rick to a Halloween party at Cindy's house and Henry is there. Beth and Courtney go in to look for rick. While there Courtney steals a mask to hide.
  • Cindy and her friend are wearing the same outfit and tells her to change. Henry Jr.s powers are developing and bothering him. Cindy cracks a joke and henry leaves the party and he hears something Yolonda thought in her head.
  • Courtney finds Rick and tells him she knows his real name and that his dad was Hourman of the JSA. He puts the hourglass on and it works for him. Rick takes the hourglass and they seem to be leaving beth out.
  • Rick sees his uncle at a diner messing with the waitress. He finds his uncles truck and destroys it. Beth talks to the goggles and it shows her how ricks parents died.
  • Courtney and Yolonda find Rick at the tree his parents supposedly hit and died. He explains how he's always angry. He punches the tree down.
  • beth shows up to tell him that it wasn't an accident and the goggles show them all what really happened and that Solomon Grundy killed his parents. He agrees to join in to help stop the JSA but he says he wants revenge. 
  • We see a truck traveling down a road and a buss blocking the way so they stop and get out. We then see the fiddler. 
  • Pat was looking through Rex's notebook when Barbara interrupts and Pat receives Ricks uncles broken vehicle.
  • The fiddler mind controls one of the truck drivers and Mr. Sharpe kills the other. Pat checks on. Courtney to find her not in her bedroom and he finds that she took the JSA stuff. 
