Stargirl Season 1 Episode 6

Main Points
  • Meeting Sportsmaster and Tigress
  • The "New JSA" going out on a mission together in costume for the first time 
  • The Injustice Society of America are planning something to hack Empire Enterprises. 
What happened?
  • The episode starts at a football game where we see Sportsmaster and Tigresses daughter Artemis on the football team. Mr. Crock (Sportsmaster) and Ms. Brooks (Tigress) visit the coach to talk about their daughter and attack him.
  • Pat catches Courtney sneaking back in her room and confronts her about taking the items and recruiting people. Courtney tells him about Rick and how his parents died. Pat tells her to get all the stuff back and that he'll talk to rick.
  • Icicle wakes from his sleep to meet up with Sportsmaster and Tigress as they burry the coach. Icicle tells them to take their suits out storage.
  • Pat meets up with Rick to talk. Courtney tries to talk to Yolonda and Beth. Yolonda and Beth refuse to give the stuff back. Pat shows Rick his dads journal and asks for it back along with the hour glass but Rick refuses and takes both. 
  • The four of them meet up after school and Dr. Midnite's goggles alerts them that the Gambler (Mr. Sharpe) is hacking Empire Enterprises which is what they needed the satellite for last episode. The four of them decide to go after the gambler.
  • Sportsmaster and Tigress tell their daughter that they are going on a date night but really the ISA has a plan. Icicle is out with his son on his moms birthday. Barbara and Mike are hanging out when Pat comes home to ask where Courtney is and they tell him she's out with friends.
  • They are all in costume going to take on the gambler. The gambler hears something. The team comes up on a dead security guard. Turns out the gambler is not at the location but Sportsmaster and Tigress are.
  • Rick charges and gets beat. The team splits up Rick goes after Sportsmaster and Wildcat goes after tigress. Courtney joins Rick and Beth joins Yolonda. Everybody comes together. Mr. Sharpe has the access codes and Sportsmaster tries to blow up the cosmic staff.
  • Fight is 4 against 2 and but Pat shows up as STRIPE and Sportsmaster and Tigress retreat. Everyone meets back up at pats place.
  • Pat and courtney talk and he agrees to let the other teens continue but with training. The ISA (Icicle, Gambler, Fiddler, Sportsmaster, and Tigress) are debriefing. Icicle wants to find out who the "new JSA" are.
